Vol. 21, No. 6
July 1998
Myocardial Infarction: Summary of the TIMI Trials [full text]
C. R. Conti, M.D. 459
Evidence-Based Medicine: Progress but Not a Final Solution [full text]
A. Maseri, M.D., FACC 463
Cardiac Involvement in Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome-- A Review to Push Action
J. Milei, M.D., Ph.D., D. Grana, V.M.D., G. F. Alonso, M.D., Ph.D., L. Matturri, M.D., on behalf of the Committee for the Study of Cardiac Involvement in AIDS 465
Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase and Atherosclerosis
U. Ikeda, M.D., Y. Maeda, M.D., K. Shimada, M.D. 473
L. Wilhelmsen, M.D., Ph.D., A. Rosengren, M.D., Ph.D., M. Hagman, M.D., G. Lappas, B.Sc. 477
W. H. Frishman, M.D., N. Bittar, M.D., S. Glasser, M.D., G. Habib, M.D., W. Smith, M.D., R. Pordy, M.D. 483
V. Mitrovic, M.D., Ph.D., E. Oehm, M.D., J. Thormann, M.D., H. Pitschner, M.D., W. Haberbosch, M.D., Ph.D. 492
Telemetry Outside Critical Care Units: Patterns of Utilization and Influence on Management Decisions
C. A. Sivaram, M.D., J. H. Summers, M.D., N. Ahmed, M.D. 503
A. Noda, Ph.D., R. Ito, T. Okada, M.D., Ph.D., F. Yasuma, M.D., Ph.D., FCCP, N. Nakashima, M.D., Ph.D., M. Yokota, M.D., Ph.D., FACC 506
Papillary Muscle Rupture During Acute Myocardial Infarction [full text]
J.-W. Ha, M.D., Ph.D., N. Chung, M.D., S.-Y. Cho, M.D., M.-S. Kang, M.D., S.-H. Cho, M.D. 511
SOAR (Safety of Orbofiban in Acute coronary Research) 513
EPISTENT (Evaluation of GPIIb/IIIa Platelet Inhibitor for Stenting) 513
Prevalence of Valvular Abnormalities in Patients Exposed to Dexfenfluramine: Results of a Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial 514
ACME (Angioplasty Compared to Medicine): Five-Year Clinical and Economic Outcomes 514
N. Cohen, M.D., R. Zaidenstein, M.D., A. Blatt, M.D., D. A. Sarafian, M.D., I. Litinsky, M.D., D. Modai, M.D. 516
Simultaneous Manifestation of Acute Myocardial Infarction and Nephrotic Syndrome
T. Meyer, M.D., Ph.D., F. Schulze, M.D., H.-J. Gröne, M.D., H. Kreuzer, M.D. 519
K. Nakao, M.D., J. Shibata, M.D., S. Kikutake, M.D., T. Nagata, M.D., K. Uraguchi, M.D., Y. Hidaka, M.D., T. Imaizumi, M.D. 523
H. Domanovits, M.D., M. Nikfardjam, M.D., K. Janata, M.D., S. Hornykewycz, M.D., G. Maurer, M.D., A. N. Laggner, M.D., K. Huber, M.D. 525
T. Habon, M.D., K. Toth, M.D., Ph.D., M. Keltai, M.D., Ph.D., M. Lengyel, M.D., Sc.D., I. Palik, M.D., Ph.D. 529
W. B. Fye, M.D., M.A. 533
Congenital Heart Disease: Textbook of Angiocardiography, Vols. I & II 535
Intravascular Ultrasound 535
Nonpharmacological Management of Atrial Fibrillation 535
Congenital Heart Disease in Adults, 2nd Edition 536